Young Professionals of Fairfield County
About YPFC
The Young Professionals of Fairfield County strive to enable connectivity and meaningful engagements with like-minded individuals. Programs and initiatives are targeted towards individuals ages 21 to 40 wanting to be involved in the local business community.
Our Cornerstones
Professional Development - Providing opportunities and resources for local young professionals to grow in their careers
Community Engagement - Giving back and showing our commitment to the communities we work and live in through charitable efforts and volunteer work
Networking - Bringing young professionals together to expand their connections
Recruiting - Showing outside young professionals that Lancaster and Fairfield County can be a great place to work and live.
Benefits of Joining YPFC
- Numerous opportunities to expand your credibility by building strong professional relationships
- Ability to refine your business and personal communication skills
- Learn more about programs, events and issues in our community
- Leadership and volunteer opportunities
- Building a sense of camaraderie and long-lasting relationships
Our Events
Food For Families Initiative – Each summer, YPFC gives back to families and individuals in need through its Food For Families program. Money raised through event sponsorships and the YPFC Community Fund at the Fairfield County Foundation is used to purchase local food items from Keller Market House and the Lancaster Farmers Market, which is then donated to area non-profit organizations. Past recipients include The Lighthouse Domestic Violence Shelter, Meals On Wheels of Fairfield County, and The Rutherford House.
Happy Hours – Kick back, relax, connect with other Young Professionals, learn more about YPFC and help out great causes along the way at some of Central Ohio’s best breweries and wineries
Lunch & Learns – Lunch & Learns provide an opportunity for YPs to network and gain new knowledge in areas important to their professional growth.
Power Breakfasts – Rise and Shine! These Power Breakfasts are a great way to start any morning. Hear from community leaders, business professionals, and even past members of YPFC about their careers while networking with your fellow YPs.
Special thanks to these great organizations for supporting YPFC and the Food For Families Program:

Chase Haley Project

Clark Insurance

Double Edge

Fairfield County Foundation

Park National

South Central Power